synthetic polymer paint on linen
122.0 x 122.0 cm
inscribed verso: Papunya Tula Artists cat. NN0409001
Painted at Kintore in 2004 for Papunya Tula Artists, Alice Springs
Private collection, Melbourne
This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Papunya Tula Artists which states: ‘The roundel in this painting depicts the rockhole site of Ngaminya, slightly south of the Kiwirrkura community in Western Australia. A group of ancestral women of the Napaltjarri and Napurrula kinship subsections camped at this site after travelling from further west. From Ngaminya the women continued east to Wirrulnga, another rockhole site in a small rocky outcrop east of Kiwirrkura. At Wirrulnga the women spun hair-string with which to make nyimparra (hair-string skirts), which are worn during ceremonies. The comb-like shapes in this painting depict the nyimparra. While in the area around Ngaminya and Wirrulnga the women also gathered the bush food known as kampurarrpa or desert raisin from the plat Solanum centrale, before continuing their travels north east to Wilkinkarra (Lake Mackay).’