FOR PRIVATE SALE | Robert Klippel, No. 113, METAL CONSTRUCTION, 1961
(1920 – 2001)
brazed and welded steel
67.5 cm height
Richard and Joan Crebbin Collection, Sydney, acquired directly from the artist
Mrs Joan Crebbin, Sydney
[Robert Klippel], Little Gallery, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, 4 – 25 June 1961 (partial label attached to base)
Exhibition of Sculptures by Robert Klippel, Clune Galleries, Sydney, December 1962, cat. 19|Rudy Komon Gallery, Sydney, 1976 (partial label attached to base)
Robert Klippel: a retrospective exhibition of sculpture and works on paper, Heide Park and Art Gallery, Melbourne, 15 September – 25 October 1987, cat. 49
Robert Klippel: a tribute exhibition, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, 9 August – 13 October 2002
Assembled: The Art of Robert Klippel, TarraWarra Museum of Art, Victoria, 23 November 2019 – 16 February 2020
Hinder, M., ‘Australian Sculpture’ in Symmonds, M., Portley, C. and Phillips, R., (eds.), The Visual Arts, Jacaranda, Brisbane, 1972, p. 169 (illus.)
Gleeson, J., Robert Klippel, Bay Books, Sydney, 1983, pp. 231, 232, 466 (illus. pl. 118)
Edwards, D., Robert Klippel, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, 2002, pp. 103, 247 (illus.)
Edwards, D., Robert Klippel: Catalogue Raisonné of Sculptures, (CD-ROM) Art Gallery of New South
Wales, Sydney, 2002, No. 113 (illus.)
Grant, K., Assembled: The Art of Robert Klippel, TarraWarra Museum of Art, Victoria, 2019, pp. 15, 95 (illus.)
Opus 113 takes up again the exclusive use of machine parts. It, too, is a rich and rewarding work, almost a companion piece to Opus 101 and, like it, a translation in which the new material is used in a kind of construction developed to make maximum use of a different order of handmade forms.
Gleeson, J., Robert Klippel, Bay Books, Sydney, 1983, p. 231